Off the bat you can clearly see the use of
Goldenberg et al. (1999) competition template, in particular ‘worth in
competition’. This works on the assumptions that a) there will be an expected superiority
over the competing product and b) the advert will challenge the worth/quality
of the competing product. Going by the sales history this seems to be bit of a
risky move; nevertheless it drives the point home, why wouldn’t you want to eat
like a king?
The worth of McDonald’s burgers is
challenged by essentially reducing their entire range of products to ‘clown
food’. Therefore the contrast principle (Cialdini, 1984) also comes into play,
by comparing the lifestyle of a King to a clown, BK’s products come across as
more appealing.
To top it off, BK leaves you with a giant
picture of a whopper to get your taste buds watering. This isn’t just a chance
to show off their cosmetically altered super-burger (we all know what it looks
like in real life), it’s another attempt to try and persuade you. First off, this type of ad heavily relies on
the repetition effect (Pratkanis, 2007). Being plastered over numerous bus
stops across the country increases the liking of a product via the mere
exposure effect; the more you see it, the more you like it. Secondly, the
picture holds key characteristics, which are crucial for increasing appeal to
potential customers. Using semi-structured interviews for a range of food
advertisements, Norrena (2012) found the most successful ads used a large
close-up of the product, which was clear and unhindered by lots of descriptive
text and made a clear link back to its brand to ensure quality. Take a look at
the ad above and tell me how it compares to these findings.
In the end it seems that BK's fighting a
losing the battle against McDonalds, whether it’s down to advertising, the
number of stores or just product inferiority. Regardless, the ads certainly
work on me; I’ll stay true to the one and only King.
Greg Vail - Blog 2
Cialdini, R. B. (1984). Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion. Harper Collins Publishers Ltd, London.
J., Mazursky, D., Solomon, S. (1999). The fundamental templates of quality ads.
Marketing Science, 18, 333-351.
Norrena, V. (2012). What influences
the reader in food advertising 2012. Finnish
periodical publishers association, 3, 1-5.
Pratkanis, A. (2007). The science of social
influence: Advances and future progress. Psychology Press, New York, NY.
Great Greg, i particularly like the way you set the scene with the first paragraph.