The fact that attractive people fare better in certain
situations is no secret, they are found to be kinder, smarter and to live
generally more successful lives than their unattractive counterparts (Cialdini,
1994; Wetzel, 1981). This phonema, known as the ‘halo effect’ has provoked a
range of research which explores just
exactly why we like attractive people
better. A study by Wade and DiMaria
(2003) looked more in-depth at
women’s weight, which may contribute to the perception of their attractiveness,
and to see if the halo effect was evident relating to this specific aspect of
physical appearance.
Whether a woman’s physical
size can result in a halo effect was investigated using a 2 (race of woman) x 2
(weight of woman) x 2 (sex of participant) design. 79 female and 29 male
participants received one of two possible descriptions of a woman (Black or
White) alongside a photograph of her (thin or heavy) and a questionnaire. The
same White woman and Black woman were used in the thin and heavy photographs
and body padding was used to manipulate size and reduce variability in other
aspects of appearance.
Participants were subsequently
asked to rate the individual on eight items: attractiveness, intelligence,
friendliness, enthusiasm, trustworthiness, occupational success (i.e.,
lucrative career), and whether the person will be a good parent, and a good
mate (the last three items are life success measures). Cultural differences really came into play with regards to the results; thin
White women and larger Black women were rated generally more successful on all
of these factors (see table).
Swami et al (2008)
found that what is considered to be deemed ‘attractive’ differs across cultures
and this is clearly demonstrated in this finding as Western views of beauty are
typically associated with a lighter weight. Conversely, larger Black women are
often stereotyped as having a ‘motherly’ disposition and being a happy
homemaker which could arguably have activated racial stereotypes in
participants (Devine, 1989).
The implications
for this study could be important in terms of actual life success. In everyday
situations larger White women and thinner Black women could be considered to be
at a disadvantage when being judged by outsiders…but does this mean that slimmer
Black women should gain weight just so that they are viewed more positively!?
This study clearly demonstrates that weight can cause a halo effect however
numerous other factors (i.e. different aspects of physical appearance) should
also be taken into consideration before such generalisations are to be made.

Cialdini, R. B. (1994). Influence: The psychology of
persuasion. New York: Morrow.
P. G. (1989). Stereotypes and prejudice: Their automatic and controlled
components. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 56, 5–18.
Swami, V., Rozmus-Wrzesinska, M., Voracek,
M., Haubner, T., Danel, D., Pawłowski, B., Furnham, A. (2008). The influence of
skin tone, body weight, and hair colour on perceptions of women's
attractiveness and health: A cross-cultural investigation. Journal of
Evolutionary Psychology, 6(4), 321-341.
Wade, T. J., & DiMaria, C. (2003). Weight
halo effects: Individual differences in perceived life success as a function of
women's race and weight. Sex Roles, 48(9-10), 461-465
Wetzel, C. G., Wilson, T. D., & Kort, J.
(1981). The halo effect revisited: Forewarned is not forearmed. Journal of
Experimental Social Psychology, 17(4), 427-439.
Katie Ashcroft - Blog #3
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