As humans, we seem to have an innate disposition to collect
things, be it stamps, antiques or some of the slightly stranger collections
seen here!
And when it comes to collecting things, the rarer they are, more often than not,
the more we want them. This can be explained simply by the scarcity principle,
whereby when things have limited availability, they become more desirable to
us. We see them as having a higher quality just because they are rarer.
Commodity theory (Brock, 1968), explains the influence of
scarcity with its principle claim being that any commodity will be valued to
the extent that it is unavailable. An interesting example of this is shown in a
study by Zellinger, Fromkin, Speller & Kohn (1975). In this study, they
looked to see if age restrictions on pornographic material would increase desire
to look at it as predicted by the commodity theory.
To test this, 64 male undergraduates were given a booklet
containing statements allegedly from a book cover. Half received an age restriction
statement, while the other half did not. Also, half were told the book was
definitely pornographic whilst half did not. Subjects then completed a questionnaire
with rating scales for their valuation of the book. Commodity theory would
predict that placing age restrictions on the material would make it more
desirable and therefore participants would value it higher.
Results confirmed this prediction, showing that when age
restrictions were in place, the desire to read the book, liking of the book and
desirableness of the book increased. The implications of these results are not
just confirmatory to the scarcity principle and commodity theory, but they also
highlight a social issue. Legal attempts to decrease the consumption of
pornographic materials may have an unanticipated opposite psychological effect
to the original intent. This means governmental attempts at preventing children
from accessing porn may in fact lead to them looking at it.
The authors go on to highlight potential future areas for
research by looking at this effect on pornographic stimuli such as magazines,
films and photographs. In addition, they note that their study used only male
participants and so it could not be assumed that this same effect will be had
on females.
George Coe
Brock, T. C. (1968). Implications of commodity theory for value change. In A. G. Greenwald, T. C. Brock,
& T. M. Ostrom (Eds.), Psychological foundations of attitudes (pp. 243- 275). New York:
Academic Press
Zellinger, D. A., Fromkin, H. L., Speller, D. E., & Kohn, C. A. (1975). Commodity theory analysis of the
effects of age restrictions upon pornographic materials. Journal of Applied Psychology, 60, 94-
Very good George, the research has been nicely linked to everyday life.