I know what you’re thinking,
ANOTHER blog about online shopping…
And all I have to say to that is…
yes, you are right.
week, I realised this cold weather is not a joke and the cold air freezing my moisturised
hands into shrivelled nanny fingers reminded me that not only do I need gloves,
but I need a COAT. And what better time to buy a coat than on, BLACK FRIDAY
week(end) yhhhhhhh boiiiiii.
So, I went
on my usual websites and then ended up on boohoo, and well there is nothing
that gets my attention like free food, free parking and FREE NEXT DAY DELIVERY,
especially when it is written right next to RED CAPITAL
In my
old, dire, non-informed days, this would have made me rush my purchase, feeling
as though I need to decide on something quick and that there is no other option
but to leave this website having bought something.
with the behaviour change module comes tranquillity (no seriously, that system
1 system 2 lecture made me decide I don’t want to system 1 my life away!).
Anywaaaaaaaaaaay, I was feeling such beautiful tranquillity despite the
anxiety/stress inducing sales tactic, because I knew that I didn’t need to rush
because as I just said, I was aware it was a tactic. Tactics are only used when
the opponent has a high chance of losing (Deanne Hay, 2016), so in this case I
felt that boohoo are aware they may lose (defined by people visiting their
website but not buying anything) so they used this tactic, having it bold at
the top of the page but also having the reminder shop with you (left hand side
and bottom of the page). They did this to make the customer have to continually
and subconsciously make the decision of whether they want to be a part of this
offer, again and again and, again – with the hope that they eventually,
But each
time I saw the words free next day delivery I didn’t light up with glee like I
usually do or think about whether I should divulge in the offer straight away,
instead I thought - I MUST WRITE ABOUT THIS. This coat is probably going to
last me 4 months, maybe even years and now that I’m a system 2 person, I wasn’t going to rush and decide right
now, instead I went on different websites, made lists of everything I liked and
kept sieving this list until I reached a small number. However, I nearly fell
out of my seat when I went back to boohoo the next day and found…
ANOTHER deal that customers should be hurrying to get.
made me question: does boohoo think I’m stupid?
And as each day went by (between my first
visit and writing this post) I would check back to their website and there was
ALWAYS, something to be in a hurry
DELIVERY FOR 99P (a discounted price). The psychologist in me knows this isn’t
1) because they want to be genuinely nice to customers and 2) is not an
accident or “mistake”.
it is a very thought out promotional tactic and even has evidence to back its’ effectiveness.
System 1 and System 2
us crazy homo-sapiens are very complex creatures, (yes creatures, I was raised
with two older brothers). In the renowned Thinking,
Fast and Slow book (Kahneman,
2011) the author put forward the idea that choices that us creatures make,
behaviour that we exhibit and well, essentially, everything we think or do is
put through/aligned with one of two systems, system 1 (fast and thoughtless) or
system 2 (slow and effortful). Take driving for example, when I learnt I was
SCARED, I thought WOW my mum said "drivers are usually stupid" but here I am having to do
and remember so many things at one time, this is so HARD, so the drivers I see
MUST be smart. Learning did not come naturally to me, I was not the next Vin Diesel
like I thought I would be, instead I was Mrs Magoo (if you don’t know, get to
know), operating in a system 2 way. However now that I have held my licence for nearly a year and a half, no
one and I mean no one can tell me I’m not the best driver. I know the size of
my car (and trust me, this is a big deal because many don’t - oh person driving
your little Peugeot why can’t you see that you can fit through the gap????) and
I can do many things at once whilst not crashing (I know that isn’t the
standard but you get me). Point is, I am know operating in a system 1 manner.
to boohoo.
people are, anxious or feel led to be rushed in to something, their following
actions tend to be through system 1. For example, without the RED CAPITAL
WRITING inducing anxiety, someone may have read FREE NEXT DAY DELIVERY and if
they were typically a system 1 thinker, they would have been likely to be
tempted and buy something. Whereas if said person was typically a system 2 thinker,
due to being less likely to feel anxious (no red writing) they would be more
likely to effortfully think about the offer at hand.
cleverly induced urgency/anxiety and with reminders plastered all over the
website, they made a system 1 environment and hoped for the best, and the fact
that this tactic is still being used on their website, suggests that it must be working in their
want things that a running low, we want things nearly out of stock and we want
to get things that are on a limited time frame, this is the crux of the theory
of scarcity. Researchers have found empirical
evidence for both limited-time scarcity and limited-quantity scarcity,
demonstrating their effectiveness in influencing (future and current)
customers, (Aggarwal, Jun& Huh, 2011).
(2011) did an experimental study on scarcity based in a simulated store,
participants were asked to explain their choices from the store and the study
found that people significantly selected more scarce items than those which had
plenty in stock (see figure from study below).
the above study is done on limited quantity and that research has found limited-quantity
to be slightly more effective (i.e. boohoo saying they can only offer 500 people
FREE NEXT DAY DELIVERY and then having a live status of that), limited time
like explained earlier is also effective.
The reasoning
why scarcity of both kinds are so effective is because we tend to attach more
value to things when we know other people are competing for (http://www.referralcandy.com/blog/hurry-stocks-last-13-examples-scarcity-principle-used-marketing/).
Even though there wasn’t a limited amount, customers could have felt as though
they were in a speed buying competition and that winning this competition would
be defined as having an online shopping cart ready before the deal in the
countdown ends. When engaging in this competition the customer is likely to add
more value to it and want these items more than ever - even if they only came
to the website to browse (this is why losing EBay bids is so distressing, when
you lose, that added value asks you how on earth will you live without this
item in your life).
This phenomenon is a part of social proof. Although boohoo doesn’t
let you explicitly see other people’s buying habits (like Misguided), customers
may feel as though other logical people like themselves would have lapped up
the chance of FREE NEXT DAY DELIVERY and that they should too, acting as a
trigger for this speed buying competition to begin.
mere exposure was not exposure of an item as typically used by other brands but
instead their FREE NEXT DAY DELIVERY, Boohoo were aware that if they could “sell”
this to customers then they can rope in other profits with it.
seen by the three pictures taken from Boohoo’s website, FREE NEXT DAY DELIVERY
and HURRY were not words that a customer could escape, even if consciously
ignoring it their subconscious would see it each time. Constantly seeing this offer
could tempt many customers, as researchers have found that mere exposure
(through banner ads) induces liking (Fang, 2007).
Other research
found that whatever we are exposed to on a more frequent basis is deemed more favourable
compared to things that we barely see. Zajonc (1968) studied differential
exposure to faces for “visual memory” and then asked participants what they
thought of the man they saw. When assessing the manipulation of the differential
exposure to Chinese characters they were then asked how good they think the meaning
of the character might be. The study found that exposure effects: those which were
exposed more frequently were rated to have a good character meaning more often than
those who had a low frequency of exposure.
effects can be applied to retail and customer behaviour too. As based on the
findings of Zajonc’s study, being exposed to the FREE NEXT DAY DELIVERY so
frequently was likely to imply to customers that this FREE NEXT DAY DELIVERY is
an absolute necessity. IF customers only saw 'FREE NEXT DAY DELIVERY' once when first visiting the page and then never again, they may have been able to think about whether the offer will be beneficial to them in a system 2 way.
So how
do you feel now? Ready to take on this online shopping world and not be a fool
to their money-making schemes?
I sure
Aggarwal, P., Jun, S. Y., & Huh, J. H. (2011). Scarcity
messages. Journal
of Advertising, 40, 19-30.
Fang, X., Singh, S., & Ahluwalia, R. (2007). An
examination of different explanations for the mere exposure effect. Journal of consumer research, 34, 97-103.
D. (2011). Thinking, fast and slow. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
Parker, J. R., & Lehmann, D. R. (2011). When shelf-based
scarcity impacts consumer preferences. Journal
of Retailing, 87, 142-155.
Zajonc, R. B. (1968). Attitudinal effects of mere exposure. Journal of personality and social psychology, 9, 1.
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