CAMPAIGN - Smoking Kid - A personal message to the smokers
COUNTRY: Thailand
AGENCY: Ogilvy & Mather Thailand
CLIENT: Thai Health Promotion Foundation (THPF)
THPF: The Smoking Kid – A personal message to the smokers (Jay Chiat Strategic Excellence Awards, Gold, October 2013)
In 2014, the Thai Health
Promotion Foundation won an APAC Effie Gold for their anti-smoking
advertisement. While it failed to maintain long-term behaviour change, there
was a 40% increase in one month in calls to the “1600 Quitline”, created to
help smokers quit (Eagle
& Low, 2017). Anti-smoking advertisements have ranged between shock advertising (appealing to fear by depicting in vivid images the
health consequences of smoking - as is clearly evident on cigarette packages
across Europe) (Kees, Burton, Andrews, & Kozup, 2010), to emotional appeals (using “pathos”,
a persuasion technique to elicit emotion of guilt, social responsibility or to “hit
home”). This advertisement shows young children walking around the streets
asking smokers to lend them a light for their own cigarettes. Shocked by the
sight of children smoking, all adult smokers refused to hand over their lighter
before they proceeded to scold and lecture the children, adamantly reminding
them about the consequences of smoking. Finally, before walking away, the
children handed each smoker a piece of paper asking them: “You worry about me. But why not about

Using children in the advertisement was an emotional appeal
to get smokers thinking about the impact and influence that their behaviour may be having on the younger generations. Additionally, the message handed to them at
the end was not a statistic regarding health implications, or a scolding message,
but rather a rhetorical question motivating more rigorous
processing of the message and putting individuals in a reflective position (Pratkanis,
2007) so as to elicit questions such as, “why do I not take as good care of
myself as I do other people?” “Why do children with less education or less
experience make better decisions about health than I do”. Inevitably, through hypocrisy reduction (Pratkanis, 2007) this
can spark the both feelings of guilt, and cognitive dissonance – where individuals
are confused as to why their thoughts and attitudes are inconsistent to their behaviour
(Festinger, 1962). "Why do I smoke when I know how harmful it is for me?" In that moment, almost every smoker put away their cigarette,
and held on to the brochure. Further strengthened by the mellow, gloomy music
in the background of the video when shown on broadcasted on television and the
internet, this emotional appeal was powerful enough to, in the moment, get
smokers to stop and think.
**All photos are screenshots from the youtube clip linked above. Credit for this work below title**
Eagle, L., Dahl, S., & Low, D. (2017).
Ethical issues in social marketing. Social
Marketing and Public Health: Theory and Practice, 187-193.
Festinger, L. (1962). A theory of
cognitive dissonance (Vol. 2). Stanford university press.
Kees, J., Burton, S., Andrews, J. C., & Kozup,
J. (2010). Understanding how graphic pictorial warnings work on cigarette
packaging. Journal
of Public Policy & Marketing, 29(2), 265-276.
Pratkanis, A. R. (2007). Social influence analysis: An index of
tactics. In A. R. Pratkanis (Ed.), The science of social influence: Advances
and future progress, (pp. 17-82). Hove, England: Psychology Press.
THPF: The Smoking Kid – A personal message to the smokers (Jay
Chiat Strategic Excellence Awards, Gold, October 2013)
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