Have you ever been sitting in a lesson or in the silent part
of the library with a cold and had this overwhelming urge to blow your nose? You
take out the half used tissue from your pocket and lift it to your nose- but
wait- you can already feel the stares of onlookers thinking “are you really
about to blow your nose… in public?!” You find yourself embarrassed; this natural
biological reaction of clearing your nasal cavities of mucus to aid breathing has
become some kind of a taboo! Embarrassed, you slowly return your tissue to your
pocket and walk to a private area where you can blow your nose in peace. Why do
we feel this embarrassment? Lun et al. (2007) argues that this is due to Social
proof; we determine what correct behaviour is by what others deem as correct. It
is most influential when those others are similar to us or the situation is
ambiguous. In the library you look to other students to determine what to do, the
fact that no-one else is blowing their nose and you receive horrified looks as
though you have just committed a murder whenever you attempt to blow has forced
you into submission.
I guess society has more control over us than I ever
Lun, J., Sinclair, S., Whitchurch, E. R., & Glenn, C.
(2007). (Why) do I think what you think? Epistemic social turning and implicit
prejudice. Journal of Personality and
Social Psychology, 93, 957-972.
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