With the increase of internet purchasing recent years, various
marketing tactics have been applied onto the shopping webpages. An online hotel
booking website, the Booking.com influence consumers’ decision by utilizing
different persuasive techniques.
Dickinger and Mazanec (2008) found that consumers are most
likely to take recommendations of friend and online reviews as criteria for
online hotel booking. These online reviews serve as a tool for word-of-mouth. Consumers
evaluate a hotel usually based upon reviews. Those positive feed-backs from
customers can potentially affect consumers’ perception and preference of the
hotels. It has been proved that a higher costumer rating significantly increases
the online sales of hotels (Öğüt & Onur Taş, 2012).
Specifically, consumers have a high level of perceptual trust to the positively
framed set of reviews which focused on interpersonal services (Sparks &
Browning, 2001). Pratkanis (2007) suggests that a trustworthy sources are
effective in persuasion. Feed-backs from experienced customers consist both pros
and cons of the hotels increase the source credibility. Moreover, the review
scores even breakdown into several aspects which make those reviews more
preferable. The comprehensive review system maybe one of the major reason why Booking.com
is so popular.

The marketing techniques of Booking.com affect consumers’
decision making from the outset and continue through the whole booking process.
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Very well put together, keep an eye on the writing.