My cousin tried to
persuade my aunt and uncle to let her get a dog, which they were reluctant to
do. Her argument basically entailed the following: “I’d walk it… feed it…clean up after it”.
This was quite
clearly an example of defusing objections (Pardini & Katzev, 1986). It was
quite obvious that she listed all the things that she would do for this
hypothetical dog because she thought her parents may have been sceptical about
these things happening in reality and could have used their perception of her
not doing any one of these things as reasons for not getting the ‘aspired for’
dog (see Pardini & Katzev, 1986).
According to Pardini
& Katzev (1986) their participants (who had, had energy saving leaflets
sent to them) seemed more persuaded (to respond) when the number of potential
objections addressed in the leaflets was higher (Pardini & Katzev, 1986). Just
one additional objection being addressed had a positive influence on the
performance of subsequent behaviours (Pardini & Katzev, 1986), perhaps,
relating to the Message - Length = Message-Strength perception (Pratkanis,
A.U., & Katzev, R.D. (1986). Applying full-cycle social psychology to
marketing - the defusing objections technique. Journal of Economic Psychology, 7, 87 – 94.
marketing - the defusing objections technique. Journal of Economic Psychology, 7, 87 – 94.
A.R. (2007). Social Influence Analysis: An Index of Tactics. In A.R. Pratkanis
The Science of Social Influence: Advances and Future Progress. (pp. 17 – 83). New York:
Psychology Press.
The Science of Social Influence: Advances and Future Progress. (pp. 17 – 83). New York:
Psychology Press.
Excellent application.