These adverts were produced by SanDisk in an attempt
to sell their own mp3 version of the iPod, the e200. However, there are some
fundamental mistakes with their ‘iDon't’ campaign.
Firstly, they do not mention the mp3 players in any
of the advertisements. This is clearly a major pitfall as there is no direct
indication of what the advert is promoting. This also decreases the effectiveness
of using a rhetorical question. In general, rhetorical questions can motivate a
person to process the message more deeply when the message is strong. However
because the message is incomplete and therefore weak, there is a decrease in
persuasion. Burnkrant and Howard (1984) demonstrated this in a study where
students had to evaluate the quality of a strong versus a weak editorial
message. The messages were introduced by a rhetorical question or a statement. They
found that when the students were asked to rate their thoughts, rhetorical
questions produced a more positive attitude and were the message was rated as
more favourable when strong arguments were employed but a negative attitude and
unfavourable message when weak arguments were used.
The second failure in this advert is their attempt
to utilise the idea that people want to be unique and stand out from the crowd.
However in doing so, they directly insult iPod users by depicting them as
unintelligent conformists with the labels ‘iSheep’ and ‘iChimps’. In this
sense, it has vivid appeal in that the message is emotionally interesting, but
for the wrong reasons. Furthermore, when a person receives a threatening
message the common response is to act defensively by ignoring or rejecting it (Pratkanis,
Burnkrant, R. E., & Howard, D. J. (1984). Effects
of the use of introductory rhetorical questions versus statements on
information processing, Journal of Personality
and Social Psychology, 47, 1218-1230.
A. R. (2007). The science of social influence: Advances and future progress.
Psychology Press.
Well done. iKitten.